Showdown: 2021 vs 2022 Haute Randonnée Pyrénéenne (Part 2)
This is part 2 of the HRP 2021 vs 2022 showdown. I'll already be on trail by the time you read this! First, a quick summary of the biggest issues that led to my failure in 2021: I continuously went back and forth from towns to the trail There's a central section of the HRP where you have to carry 9 days worth of food because there are few refuges (says the guide). I hadn't prepared for that. I was going way too many kms. The first few days I did around 30km/day and then upped it to ~40km. I was ascending 1500+ most days and it just wasn't sustainable for me. I hadn't read the guide/didn't know what to look for. I thought having a start and end point only would be okay I couldn't wash on trail. :[ I had absolutely no plan other than "hike". I love hiking. I'm not a big planner I'd planned no rest days. I'd thought sleeping in a tent would be fun. It really wasn't. I carried way too much food (making my backpack heavier than ...